
Thank you for considering Vensel Publications as a potential venue for publishing your research work. This document provides detailed instructions on preparing and submitting your manuscript in accordance with the guidelines and style requirements of Vensel Publications.

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Manuscript Preparation


The title of your manuscript is a crucial element that captures the essence of your research. It should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of your study. A well-crafted title can attract readers’ attention and provide a clear indication of the research conducted. When composing your title, capitalize the first letter of each major word, while avoiding unnecessary abbreviations or acronyms. It is recommended to limit the title to a maximum of 15 words to maintain clarity and conciseness.

Authors and Affiliations

Include the full names of all authors who have contributed significantly to the research. Each author’s affiliation should be listed below their name as a separate superscript number. Provide the corresponding affiliation details in a separate section, clearly indicating the name of the institution or organization, department, city, state, and country. Additionally, use an asterisk (*) to denote the corresponding author and provide their email address for correspondence.


The abstract serves as a succinct summary of your research, allowing readers to quickly grasp the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of your study. It should be structured and provide a concise overview of your research within a limited word count, typically not exceeding 250 words. In the abstract, clearly state the significance and novelty of your work, emphasizing its relevance and potential impact. Avoid including references, abbreviations, or acronyms to maintain clarity and accessibility.


Keywords play a vital role in improving the discoverability and indexing of your manuscript. Provide a list of 3 to 6 keywords that accurately represent the main topics or themes of your research. These terms should be relevant to your study and align with common search queries in the field. Choose specific and descriptive keywords to enhance the visibility and accessibility of your manuscript to researchers interested in your subject matter.


The introduction section should provide readers with the necessary background information and context to understand the significance of your research. Start by introducing the research problem or question, clearly articulating the objectives or hypotheses that guided your study. Summarize the existing literature relevant to your research topic, highlighting the gaps or limitations in the current knowledge. Explain the rationale behind your research, describing how it contributes to the existing body of scientific knowledge and the potential implications of your findings.

Materials and Methods

The materials and methods section should provide a comprehensive description of your research design, methodology, and experimental procedures. Include sufficient detail for others to reproduce your study accurately. Specify the equipment, materials, and reagents used, along with their sources. Describe the study population, sample size, data collection methods, and any interventions or treatments applied. If applicable, mention any statistical analyses performed and the software used. Refer to established methods by providing appropriate references but provide a brief overview if you have developed new methods.


In the results section, present your findings in a logical and organized manner. Use tables, figures, and graphs to enhance clarity and comprehensibility. Provide sufficient context and explanations for each result, highlighting the most relevant and significant findings. Describe any patterns, trends, or relationships observed in the data. Be precise in reporting measurements and statistical outcomes, including measures of central tendency, variation, and statistical significance, where applicable. Avoid duplicating information between the main text and figures/tables, ensuring that each element complements the other.


The discussion section provides an opportunity to interpret and analyze your results in the context of the research objectives and broader scientific knowledge. Start by summarizing the key findings from your study, highlighting their significance and implications. Compare and contrast your results with relevant literature, discussing any similarities, differences, or contradictions. Address any unexpected or conflicting results, offering possible explanations or alternative interpretations. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your study, acknowledging potential sources of bias or uncertainty. Additionally, discuss the practical implications of your findings and propose potential avenues for further research.


The conclusion section should succinctly summarize the main findings of your research and their implications. Restate the research objectives and highlight how your study has contributed to advancing knowledge in the field. Emphasize the significance and potential impact of your work, relating it back to the research problem or question outlined in the introduction. Avoid introducing new information or expanding on previously discussed points. Instead, focus on providing a concise summary that leaves readers with a clear understanding of the key takeaways from your study.


The acknowledgments section allows you to express gratitude to individuals or organizations that have contributed to your research but do not meet the criteria for authorship. Acknowledge the contributions of colleagues, technicians, or advisors who have provided support, guidance, or resources during your research process. Include any funding sources, grants, or financial support that facilitated the completion of your study. If your research has been conducted as part of a larger collaborative effort, acknowledge the respective institutions or consortia involved.


The references section is an essential component of your manuscript that provides proper attribution to the sources you have cited in your study. Follow the citation style guidelines specified by Vensel Publications, which may be based on a specific style such as the Vancouver style. Cite all sources accurately and consistently, both within the main text and in the reference list. Number the references in the order of their appearance in the text and provide complete bibliographic details, including authors’ names, title, journal or book title, publication year, volume, issue, and page numbers.

Manuscript Submission

To submit your manuscript to Vensel Publications, follow the guidelines outlined below:

  1. Utilize the online submission system provided by Vensel Publications. Visit their website and navigate to the submission portal.
  2. Ensure that your manuscript adheres to the formatting requirements specified in the author guidelines. Pay attention to font styles, margins, line spacing, and other formatting details.
  3. Include all the necessary sections, such as title, authors, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.
  4. If applicable, include any figures, tables, or supplementary materials that support your research. Ensure these elements are properly labeled and referenced within the text.
  5. Review and proofread your manuscript meticulously for any errors or inconsistencies before submission. Check for grammatical, spelling, and formatting mistakes.
  6. If your manuscript includes any previously published material, obtain the necessary permissions and provide proper attribution to the original sources.
  7. Submit your manuscript through the online submission system, following the instructions provided. You may be required to provide additional details, such as keywords, suggested reviewers, or a cover letter.

Review and Publication Process

After submission, your manuscript will undergo a thorough peer-review process. The following steps outline the typical review and publication process:

  1. The journal editor will assess the suitability of your manuscript for the journal and ensure it meets the scope and standards of Vensel Publications.

  2. If deemed appropriate, your manuscript will be assigned to expert reviewers who possess relevant expertise in the subject area.

  3. Reviewers will evaluate the scientific rigor, methodology, and contribution of your research. They will provide constructive feedback, suggestions, and recommendations to improve your manuscript.

  4. You will receive the reviewers’ comments and are expected to address them in a thorough and timely manner. Carefully consider each comment and revise your manuscript accordingly. Clearly indicate the changes made in response to the reviewers’ feedback.

  5. Once you have addressed the reviewers’ comments and revised your manuscript, resubmit it through the online submission system. Include a detailed response letter addressing each reviewer’s comment and explaining the changes you have made.

  6. The revised manuscript, along with your response letter, will be re-evaluated by the editor and reviewers to determine its suitability for publication.

  7. If your manuscript is accepted, you will be notified by the journal editor. You may be asked to make further minor revisions or edits before final acceptance.

  8. After acceptance, your manuscript will undergo the production process, which includes copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. You may be contacted by the production team for any clarifications or queries.

  9. Once the production process is complete, your manuscript will be published online and made available to the scientific community. Depending on the journal, it may also be assigned to a specific issue for print publication.

  10. Congratulations! Your research is now officially published. Share your findings with colleagues, collaborators, and the broader scientific community to facilitate knowledge dissemination and contribute to the advancement of your field.

By following these instructions and guidelines, you can ensure that your manuscript meets the requirements of Vensel Publications and maximizes its chances of successful publication.